印度與印尼簽訂漁業備忘錄印度水產品出口業聯盟(SEAI),將於2012年3月前與負責漁業相關貿易業務的印尼水產加工行銷公會(Ifpma)完成備忘錄(MoU)相關簽訂事宜。印尼欲自印度進口信用卡代償生鮮原料魚(尤以蝦為大宗),亦對投資印度深具附加價值產品深感興趣。印尼蝦委員會主席及Ifpma會長近日會同印尼高層代表團、(SEAI)代表、海洋水產品出口發展局主席等人進行座談房屋買賣。MoU係依商業產業部及印尼貿易部每兩年召開一次的貿易部長級論壇所簽協議進行的後續工作;該論壇工作旨在於2015年前推動雙邊貿易額達至250億美元。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade 酒店打工News, No. 23/2011,15 Dec. 2011)The Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI) will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with its Indonesian counterpart, 帛琉The Indonesian Fishery Product Processing and Marketing Association (Ifpma) for augmenting trade in fisheryrelated business. According to sources, the MoU would be 租房子signed by March 2012. It is likely that Indonesia would import fish raw material, especially shrimp from India in large volumes. The former is also expected to 房屋二胎invest in the latter for value-added products. A high-level Indonesian delegation, led by the chairman of Indonesian Shrimp Commission and president of Ifpma, 婚禮佈置recently held discussions with SEAI office bearers and the Marine Products Export Development Authority’s chairman. The MoU is a follow-up to an agreement signed 機車借款by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Indonesian Ministry of Trade on the establishment of a Biennial Trade Ministers Forum. The main objective of the 買屋網forum is to enhance bilateral trade to US$25 billion by 2015.

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